Saturday, December 12, 2009

A Mother's Gift

What's in these albums, you ask?
Only the history of my one and only husbo!

The last time we were in Colorado, Nate's mama gave us the best, most special gift ever. For years Lynn has been working on albums of all of her children, from birth to marriage. We got Nate's albums and I will cherish these memories forever. I could hardly choose what to post because there are so many wonderful pictures and pages. Here is a look at the love and work poured into these albums... BEWARE - My Husbo was one cute liitle boy!

The pages are filled with pictures and descriptions of the years of Nate's life:
I love that there are tons of pictures of Nate that I have never seen before.. Here's my man in is diapers :)
Self-portrait from Kindergarten. I think it's a spot on drawing- so skilled ;)
While living in Saudi, Nate got a FORT for his 6th birthday!! What this lil' guy doesn't know is that his future wife was going to be born the following day. Take a look at Fort NEB:
Memories of loose teeth:
And AWESOME Halloween costumes:
Nate has always been thoughtful.. Even when Santa asks what he wants for Christmas, Nate has to think it through:
The albums follow Nate through all of his schooling, including when he was a high school stud:
The albums finish with Nate's more recent life addition - our happy relationship:
Only a mother's love would have the patience and dedication to put something so wonderful together. Thank you, Lynn, for sharing such wonderful memories of such a wonderful boy:


ShaSha said...

What a little mookie he is!!!

LBB said...

This warms my heart. I love that you love them!