Friday, April 6, 2012

Toscana - The Wrap Up

In all, we had such a great weekend in the province of Siena. The food is absolutely AMAZING and I loved checking out the old medieval towns. While some may argue that all hill top towns are the same, I disagree. Each of the three that we visited had their own unique qualities that made traveling to the different towns worth while.

While I was chatting with Lauren, I described the trip and she said, "So, that's been your favorite place so far?" And, I guess after thinking about it, yes, it has. I do like the historical "stuff," but I really enjoy just surrounding myself in the culture and Tuscany was more than wonderful to surround myself in :)

1 comment:

LBB said...

I'm loving the travelogue. I'm so glad you guys are getting out and about to experience as much of the country as you can. And of course, pictures of that cute little Landino are always a delight!