Friday, April 6, 2012

Toscana - Montepulciano

Last, we hit the hill town of Montepulciano on our way home Sunday morning. While out of the three towns, it was our least favorite, it still was a beautiful town. And, to be fair, it was Sunday so not everything was open. Known mostly for their food and wine, this town seemed like it was somewhere in the middle of the ancient feel of San Gimignano and the more modern Siena.

We spent our time (say it with me now!) wandering the streets, shopping, and eating, so I think I'll let the photos do the talking.

Finally!!! A picture of what a hill town looks like :) The photo really doesn't do it justice, though:
More cool, Tuscan streets:

One of the churches we saw on the way in:
Communal Palace:

The church of Santa Maria delle Grazia, never finished with marble because of economic issues, or "money troubles":
Nate and Lando checking out more Tuscan countryside:
A picture we took ourselves that Landon actually made it into:
Landon wreaking havoc on quiet Italian streets ;)
But then feeling the love and planting one on Mama:
My purchase of the weekend- new Italian boots. Woohoo!

Bonus pics! I thought this came out pretty cool. The first picture is the lookout just above where we parked, with the morning haze still in effect. The second picture is the same view after the sun has come out when we were about to leave. Both beautiful pics in their own right:

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